
Replace legacy component in your equipment with the right solution with no impact on your system

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Replacement solutions

Replace low-voltage and medium-voltage components in your equipment and keep your business running

Do you need the correct replacement for your products?

Whenever there is a need to replace an active, classic, or limited components, ABB Electrification Service helps you to define the correct solutions. 

To define the correct replacement of an ABB component, in addition to the model or rating selection, it is required to carefully select the accessories, the configurations and wiring required to ensure the full interchangeability with the existing.

It is a common mistake to underestimate the engineering activity to choose the replacement which leads to functionality issues on site and high extra price to fix it. 

Thanks to ABB service in-deep knowledge and access to the as-built configurations, ABB service engineers can support and advice on the right solution to guarantee the mechanical, electrical, and functional interchangeability.

The ABB replacement solutions can be applied to all ABB and legacy brands portfolio, like medium-voltage & low-voltage circuit breakers, relays, and switchgears, in active, classic, or limited status.

ABB can offer a range of retrofit and upgrade solutions for your needs

If the product replacement is not available due to the obsolescence of the product, or you need to modernize your system, ABB can offer a wide range of retrofits and upgrade solutions using the latest available technology on the market.  

Discover the benefit and the availability of our retrofit and upgrade solutions.

Our expertise


Receive the right replacement and support without risk to install a wrong product on your system.

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A global network of service centres close to you that can help during installation and commissioning of the replacement.


Support by our Advisory team to evaluate how to optimize your system.


Support of the decommissioning, disposal, and recycling of material and SF6 gas management.


Understanding of the life cycle status of your products and deliver a tailor-made solution to meet your needs.

Services to meet your needs

Low-voltage services to meet your needs

Our Legacy products

Life-cycle Management

Medium-voltage services to meet your needs

Services in action


ABB Electrification Service
Our everyday heroes

What does the phrase 'everyday hero' mean to you? At ABB Electrification Service, we think it means someone who is continuously working to help our customers achieve maximized energy efficiency. It means someone who advocates for safe, sustainable energy. It means someone who is ready, day or night, to help keep the lights on.

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Service in action
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We have a global team of more than 3800 experts. Service in action is our archive of news and videos where you can see what the team is delivering around the world, including success stories, press releases, webinars, and videos from our customers describing the power of a partnership with ABB Electrification Service.

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